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TSA Indústria | Rabetas | Ralador | Prensa
The largest rabeta industry in Brazil
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The T.S.A. Industry was born to make life easier for riverside dwellers and rural producers in the Amazon.  With fishing, flour production and açaí processing as their main activities, these producers demand productivity in production activities and time savings in transporting cargo and passengers through the Amazon rivers. 

TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press

With this Vision,Since 2004 in the industrial market, TSA Indústria has been producing Rabetas for engines and equipment aimed at family farming, always with the aim of increasing productivity and making life easier for riverside dwellers and rural producers, bringing technology to them through its products developed from the problem for these people.

TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press

At the moment TSA Indústria has been investing in its industrial park and in the development of strategic partnerships. This allows us to reach the entire country and contribute to any fisherman who requires Rabetas, whether in fresh or salt water, or improve the production of family farmers who demand increased productivity.

TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press
TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press
TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press
TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press
TSA Indústria | Rabetas | Ralador | Prensa

We are worried with the preservation of the Amazon, our beloved land.


That's why We make use of aluminum recycling to produce our products. Our painting system is done by immersion, this way we do not pollute the air or harm the health of our employees.

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TSA is a Partner OFFICIAL
TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press
TSA Industry | Tails | Grater | Press

Our Rabetas have direct integration with Honda engines, providing our customers with comfort coupled with the credibility of a major brand in the market, which trusted in our potential.

A group of more than 28 retailers from the most varied sectors of activityindustrial who are partners and share diverse knowledge and materials with special conditions.


Contact TSA to request a quote or ask any questions about our Agro or Nautical line.

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